welcome to new mirror

This new mirror is still in beta stage with added many feature. if you found a bug please report it. you can report from Feedback on Contact Me Menu on site. I recommended you to open Latest News page to view any news

Copyright © 2012 - phiexz

New Mirror Service v3.7.0 - mirror.phiexz.com
select files do you want to download

for stability reason, i make this server only can service 5 connection per ip
if you use download accelerator (ex: IDM, DAP) you might be got error 404/503

About This Site

This site is created & provided by phiexz for downloading all of my files. This mirror service is not limited to android things only. maybe in future i'll provide files for any tutorial and not only android. you can download any files here for free but dont forget to see our Term of Use page before using our service.

This site use advertisement to help me pay for server. if you dont like to see any advertisement you can DONATE me to support my work. And i'll provide donors with account in this site. and you'll got special treatment to use this site as my gratitude.

This site is created by my self and some resource is based from others work (eg: images, jquery) and thanks to them so i can make this site:D

If you found your work here and you dont like me using your work on my site, dont hesitate to Contact Me



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