welcome to new mirror

This new mirror is still in beta stage with added many feature. if you found a bug please report it. you can report from Feedback on Contact Me Menu on site. I recommended you to open Latest News page to view any news

Copyright © 2012 - phiexz

New Mirror Service v3.7.0 - mirror.phiexz.com
select files do you want to download

for stability reason, i make this server only can service 5 connection per ip
if you use download accelerator (ex: IDM, DAP) you might be got error 404/503

Latest News

Added 9 stockrom

Added many stockrom into this mirror. for more info: Here

Update Max speed & connection

Now, i change from 2 max connection to 5 max connection one time @200KB/s. so you can get 1MB/s speed if you use multi connection while download.
This is still test, anytime i can change it to 2 max connection if this setting is make incompatibility on server

New: CyanogenMod 20120602

New update for cyanogenmod: update-cm-7.2.0-20120602-NIGHTLY-gio-AROMA.zip. for more information: Click Here or Click Here to view files and download

Mobile Version Coming Soon

This version of mirror is designed for pc and not for phone. your phone might be become lags if open this homepage of mirror. because there's alot javascript & jquery on this site. but dont worry, i'll make mobile version for this site soon! stay tuned :D

Some Information

This mirror still on development, maybe not all feature work and some statistics (download count) of file might be wrong because we are use different database and im to lazy to check it one by one. Let me know if something is not right, broken link, and more. your idea also always welcome to make this mirror site better :D

New Mirror Released

Finally, new mirror released. took 1 week to develop it without any framework, only with application like notepad -__-.
I added many feature on it like comment system, rating system, ajax, login for donors, and many more. please test all feature and i hope you all can contribute with this web development with give me a feedback if you have an idea or found a bug. you can send me a feedback from Contact Me page.


Please ignore it, this is only test

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